Chainsaws & Hot Dogs

You never know what you'll find here.

Lessons Learned in Restaurants

Two Chicken Dinners in the Suitcase The small, dark man wore a dirty suit jacket, blue jeans, and bulky, black boots. A tired-looking brown fedora covered his bowl cut of salt and pepper gray hair. He was seated at a booth for six. He had requested a place setting for his friend. The waitress asked…
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Missouri and Ohio

He entered the kitchen and pulled off his work boots and socks. He seated himself at the head of the table for his final meal in the tiny kitchen. His aged face, with its tired eyes, no longer prompted her to greet him with a kiss and hug. She still declared her love for him,…
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The Fight & Flight of Faith

Faith, the area’s only tooth fairy, had set out early into the cold, bitter dark. The night seemed an unending void of frigid blackness. She had one final stop and then could fly back to the warm comfort of her home. Her tiny wings crackled as bits and pieces froze into place whenever she ceased…
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Based on a True Story!

Some will read those words and accept every detail as accurately true. It may not be the case. Our home provides a place of wonder – the great outdoors. I wandered through it in the early morning and stopped at the edge of the pond. I recognized the circular patterns on the icy, snow-covered surface.…
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My Christmas Critter

He pushed himself up out of the pond and propelled into the world above it. He rolled under the blue sky and crashed back into the pond with a huge splash. Quite the show-off, he broke the surface a second time and sailed above the pond to land on the beach. He truly was a…
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Short Short Stories

The Old Women They stared at one another’s aged faces. Both stood there with their vessels of memories. The wrinkled faces were somewhat mirror images. The gray hairs mingled with dark ones. The one wondered if it was boredom or sadness in the eyes of the other. The heat of the sun beat down on…
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Christmas tree decoration

Christmas Crazy

I have heard and read the comments about decorating early for Christmas. Guilty. Very, very guilty. And extremely unapologetic about it. I will explain that attitude. My husband became sold-out to Jesus a decade or so into our marriage. When I say sold out, I mean sold out. Unimpressed by his declaration after he returned…
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Summer’s End (2021)

As with every ending, the time is one of reflection and gratitude. Be blessed. Kathy

Window Peeping

I went window peeping this weekend. I did not plan to do so. It just happened during an early morning walk with one of the dogs. I stared into the first window. I knew nobody was home, so it was okay. The room had a single lamp. Its soft glow accented the gold wall covered…
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Please Pass the Greens

March is here and spring is soon to arrive. While I watch for it, I continue in my efforts to eat more greens. I recently came up with a recipe for spinach waffles and am pleased with the results. It is easy, requires items that most have on hand, and extremely versatile. With no seasonings,…
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